OfficeMax BTS 2011

The Best School Year Ever?

Back to School is a huge event in the office supply retail space. Every year at OfficeMax, we tried to outdo ourselves and our competitors. The theme we chose for 2011 was Best School Year Ever, celebrating the idea of returning to school, and OfficeMax was going to cheer you on, so you could start the year out right. And what better way to do that, than with cheerleaders? It was going to be a great campaign, and we went all out!

vp brand strategy •
Mark Andeer
senior director •
Rock Fraire
creative director •
Durriya Gunja
senior designer •
Marc Ludena
photographer •
Brian Kuhlmann

We held a casting call and auditioned kids of all ages, and chose the three kids who would be our official OfficeMax cheerleaders. We outfitted them in OfficeMax cheer uniforms, brought a trampoline into Brian Kuhlman’s photo studio and had the most fun shoot for a couple days. We coupled those photos with trendy 8-bit graphics and patterns and an oversaturated color palette, and created a style guide and sample graphics for the production teams to build out in-store signage, emails, web graphics, mailings and catalogs.

We were reviewing what we thought were final graphics…

so what happened?

Everyone up and down the ladder had approved this direction. All the stakeholders were on board, and we were just about to release the first assets to press. And then our CEO weighed in. 

It would NOT be the best school year ever, after all.

Cheerleaders? Gone. Most of the other design elements? Gone. We kept the font treatment and the color scheme and the background patterns, and quickly pivoted to redesign everything. 

It was heartbreaking, but it’s part of the business. The in-store photos show the results of what ended up in stores.

other featured projects

want to see more?

I am currently in the middle of a complete web site overhaul. I threw this site’s most recent incarnation together pretty quickly, and before I was finished, I managed to find full-time work, and so finishing things to my satisfaction became less of a priority. Since then, I have changed my mind about how I was presenting my work on here, and so it became necessary to throw most of it away and start over. There’s still a bunch of work on here, but it’s not very focused. I’m fixing that. If you jump around the site, it might seem like some things are more finished than others. Hopefully I’ll be able to get things buttoned up in short term. A lot of the work will go away, at least for a while, while I focus on presenting fewer, but more comprehensive projects. Pardon my dust, as they say.

web site © 2022 marc ludena
illustrations © marc ludena
work-for-hire designs and brand elements © their respective owners


105 Natural Springs

Belton, SC 29627